Stay Safe & See You Soon

Following on from the recent government’s advice, all our venues have now temporarily closed their doors.

It is important that as a business we support our NHS service during this critical time and that we ensure that all our team and customers alike, stay safe.

Amongst the disruption and the chaos, it has been overwhelming to see our communities come together and although our doors are currently not open, we are pleased to be rest assured that our team and our customers are keeping safe at home.

As soon as it is safe to do so and upon the support of the government, we will reopen our doors. We will be updating our online channels with information, so do please check in with us.

When the time comes, and it will, we look forward to welcoming you all back to Oakman Inns.

From all of us at Oakman Inns. Stay Safe & Stay At Home

#StaySafe #WashYourHands

Hannah Milton